最近、気になっている Climate Crisis 気候危機ニュース
僕はほぼ毎日、4箇所のニュース(イギリス x 2、日本 x 2 を読むようにしている)を読むようにしている。SNSは一切やってないので(仕組みが信頼ができない)、世界と日本ニュースはこれらから得ている。あとは、世界中のアクティビストたちとの交流とか。
とくに信頼しているのがイギリスのThe Guardianという新聞会社。ジャーナリズムが鋭く、小さな声(女性、先住民、若者、低所得者など)を扱うことが多く、アクティビスト(平和活動、人権活動、環境活動)の立場から発信するスタンスが好き。
日本や多くの国々の世界観が anglocentric 西洋中心(とくに、アメリカやイギリス)であることにいろいろ複雑な心境も持ちながら、その中から僕が得ている視点や物事の捉え方は、活動のインスピレーションになっている。
The Guardianから幾つか、みんなと共有したいニュースの記事があったから、記事にしてみることにした。記事は一部を引用したもの。コメント付き。
1。Climate Chaos 気候危機(気候変動)
2。Corporate Corruption 大手産業のあり方の問題(とそれを支えるグローバリゼーション)
3。Inequalities of Economics and Power 経済と権力の格差

Four in 10 young people fear having children due to climate crisis by Fiona Harvey
Global survey finds most 16-25 year olds worry a lot about the future, and many feel failed by governments
Four in 10 young people around the world are hesitant to have children as a result of the climate crisis, and fear that governments are doing too little to prevent climate catastrophe, a poll in 10 countries has found.
Nearly six in 10 young people, aged 16 to 25, were very or extremely worried about climate change, according to the biggest scientific study yet on climate anxiety and young people, published on Tuesday. A similar number said governments were not protecting them, the planet, or future generations, and felt betrayed by the older generation and governments.
It is now common for young people to worry about having children, according to Luisa Neubauer, a 25-year-old climate activist, who is co-organiser of the school strike movement in Germany and helped achieve the court victory that has forced the German government to re-evaluate its climate policies.
She said: “I meet a lot of young girls, who ask whether it’s still OK to have children. It’s a simple question, yet it tells so much about the climate reality we are living in. We young people realised that just worrying about the climate crisis won’t stop it. So we turned our individual anxiety into collective action. And now, we are fighting everywhere: on the streets, at the courts, in and outside institutions across the globe. Yet governments are still failing us, as emissions are rising to record levels. The appropriate answer to this study would be governments to start acting like they promised they would.”

Meat accounts for nearly 60% of all greenhouse gases from food production, study finds by Oliver Milman
Production of meat worldwide causes twice the pollution of production of plant-based foods, a major new study has found
The global production of food is responsible for a third of all planet-heating gases emitted by human activity, with the use of animals for meat causing twice the pollution of producing plant-based foods, a major new study has found.
The use of cows, pigs and other animals for food, as well as livestock feed, is responsible for 57% of all food production emissions, the research found, with 29% coming from the cultivation of plant-based foods. The rest comes from other uses of land, such as for cotton or rubber. Beef alone accounts for a quarter of emissions produced by raising and growing food.
Grazing animals require a lot of land, which is often cleared through the felling of forests, as well as vast tracts of additional land to grow their feed. The paper calculates that the majority of all the world’s cropland is used to feed livestock, rather than people. Livestock also produce large quantities of methane, a powerful greenhouse gas.
・僕は、大学生からベジタリアン化していったんだけど、自分の食生活が多くの生物や人を苦しませていることに加担していることに気づいてから、なるべく自分の価値観と合わないものを食べることをやめるようになった。牛肉が一番、総合的に破壊的な産業(動物の扱いがものすごく残酷で、低賃金労働者の扱いもものすごく酷く、環境負荷が膨大)だから、すぐに手放した。同時に豚肉も。鶏は、もうちょっと時間がかかった。数年前、僕が食べている魚が、娘の世代には絶滅しているものが出てくることを知って、絶滅させるほど食べたくはないと思って、魚もやめた。今は、ベジタリアンとは言わず、flexitarian(フレクシタリアン)と名乗っている。基本的には地産地消(local)で工業生産されていない(not industrially processed)、植物性(plant-based)のものを食べているけど、その場合と状況に合わせて何を食べるかを決めている(flexible/原理主義ではない)。

90% of global farm subsidies damage people and planet, says UN by Damian Carrington
Almost half a trillion dollars of support a year harms people’s health, the climate and drives inequality
This agricultural support damages people’s health, fuels the climate crisis, destroys nature and drives inequality by excluding smallholder farmers, many of whom are women, according to the UN agencies.
The biggest sources of greenhouse gas emissions, such as beef and milk, received the biggest subsidies, the report said. These are often produced by large industrialised groups that are best placed to gain access to subsidies.
The report, published before a UN food systems summit on 23 September, said repurposing the subsidies to beneficial activities could “be a game changer” and help to end poverty, eradicate hunger, improve nutrition, reduce global heating and restore nature. Good uses of public money could include supporting healthy food, such as vegetables and fruit, improving the environment and supporting small farmers.
Numerous analyses in recent years have concluded the global food system is broken, with more than 800 million people experiencing chronic hunger in 2020 and 3 billion unable to afford a healthy diet, while 2 billion people are obese or overweight, and a third of food is wasted. The total damage caused has been estimated at $12tn a year, more than the value of the food produced.
・不思議じゃない?一方ではいまだに多くの人が飢えているのに、もう一方では肥満で苦しんでいる人が20億人いて、生産された食材の1/3が廃棄されている、僕たちの歪んだ世界。Shocking! グローバリゼーションの恐ろしい側面なのかね。
・個人単位で物事を考えることから、systemic 構造的問題として捉えて、構造的な解決策をみんなで模索していくことがものすごく大事だと感じている。
・企業という仕組みのボトムラインは profit 利益。利益は企業の存在意義でもある。じゃ、今の地球の上で暮らす人や命のボトムラインはなんだろう?人を殺したり、苦しませる企業の利益活動は、どうすれば止められるのか?

Climate activists are being killed for trying to save our planet. There is a way to help by Bill McKibben
Last year, there were a record 227 killings globally. It is our duty to keep resisting the insatiable forces that led to their deaths
Each year, we learn more about the climate crisis. The data flows: ever-rising heat, unprecedented deforestation, record rainfall. And once a year, we also learn more about the human impact of the crisis too, as data is released on the killings of land and environmental activists, the very people highlighting and protesting at the breakdown of our climate. As Global Witness’ annual report reveals, in 2020, that number rose to a record 227 killings worldwide.
Every time, the data hits me like a blow to the face. I’ve spent much of my life as an environmental activist and journalist, and so if I haven’t actually met the people sadly on this list, I’ve met hundreds exactly like them. Strong local people, attached to place and community, seeing their role in defending terrain and ancestral territory. Every person like this around the world is at risk.
And they are at risk, in the end, not so much because of another local person who pulls the trigger or plunges the blade; they’re at risk because they find themselves living on or near something that some corporation is demanding. Like Fikile Ntshangase, the South African grandmother who led a spirited campaign against a coalmine in KwaZulu-Natal province and was shot dead in her home last year. Or Óscar Eyraud Adams, the indigenous activist who, during Mexico’s worst drought in 30 years, vocally advocated for his community’s right to water, as the authorities denied them and granted corporations ever more permits. Oscar was shot dead in Tecate last September.
The demand for the highest possible profit, the quickest possible timeline, the cheapest possible operation, seems to translate eventually into the understanding, somewhere, that the troublemaker must go. The blame rarely if ever makes its way back up to a corporation’s HQ. But it should. Especially since the people who inhabit these places never really share in the riches produced there: colonialism is still running strong, even if it’s dressed up with corporate logos or hidden with offshore bank accounts.
Meanwhile, the rest of us need to realise that the people killed each year defending their local places are also defending our shared planet – in particular our climate. The activities that flood our atmosphere with carbon – fossil fuel extraction and deforestation – are at the heart of so many of these killings. When people stand up to block a pipeline, or an illegal mine, or a new plantation slated for an old forest, they are also standing in the way of the activities that threaten us all. They make life harder for the oil companies and the timber barons, and in so doing strive to safeguard all of us from incessant temperature increases.
And as we try to head off that rise by moving to more benign technologies, such as solar panels and electric cars, we’ll need to do so in ways that don’t create the same kind of sad sagas – cobalt mining or lithium production can be exploitative, too. If we took seriously the stories told in the Global Witness report, we surely would be able to better design these emerging industries.
このデータを目の当たりにするたびに、私は顔を殴られたような衝撃を受けます。私は人生の大半を環境保護活動家やジャーナリストとして過ごしてきました。そのため、このリストに掲載されている悲しい人々に実際に会ったことはなくても、彼らとまったく同じような人たちに何百人も会ってきました。地域やコミュニティに愛着を持ち、地形や先祖代々の領地を守ることが自分の役割だと考えている、力強い地元の人々です。世界中のこのような人々が危険にさらされています。 彼らが危険にさらされているのは、結局のところ、引き金を引いたり刃を抜いたりする他の地域の人々のせいではなく、ある企業が要求している何かの上や近くに住んでいることが原因なのです。クワズールー・ナタール州の炭鉱に反対する運動を熱心に展開し、昨年自宅で射殺された南アフリカの祖母、フィキレ・ンシャンガゼのように。また、オスカー・エイロー・アダムスは、メキシコで過去30年間で最悪の干ばつが起こった際に、当局が水を得る権利を声高に主張しましたが、当局は彼らを拒否し、企業に許可を与え続けました。オスカーは昨年9月、テカテで射殺された。

Jair Bolsonaro is backing a legal move to open up large tracts of indigenous territory to commercial exploitation that tribal members call an ‘extermination effort’
More than 5,000 indigenous women have marched through Brazil’s capital to denounce the historic assault on native lands they say is unfolding under the country’s far-right president, Jair Bolsonaro.
Female representatives of more than 170 of Brazil’s 300-plus tribes have gathered in Brasília in recent days to oppose highly controversial attempts to strip back indigenous land rights and open their territories to mining operations and agribusiness.
Sônia Guajajara, another prominent indigenous leader, said: “These are all highly orchestrated measures which are designed to take away the land rights of indigenous people and open these lands up for exploitation … It’s all about profit and money. We champion biodiversity, keeping the forest standing, which is precisely what ensures us life. All they think about is development built on destruction.”
Guajajara said the indigenous women were mobilizing to repel the latest chapter in a centuries-long attempt to wipe out the descendants of those who inhabited what became Brazil when Portuguese colonizers arrived in 1500. “What we’re living through now isn’t any different from what we’ve always faced when it comes to this extermination effort. We’ve seen centuries of violence, spilled blood, rape and enslavement – and now all of this is being officially professed by the government.
“Our march is about defending Mother Earth,” added Guajajara, 47. “More and more we women are taking the frontline in the defense of our sacred Mother Earth.”
“Our struggle is for survival, for life, for the forest and for our children. So we will resist. In spite of all the attacks from the government, we are resisting and we will continue to resist,” she vowed.
ブラジルに存在する300以上の部族のうち、170以上の部族の女性代表がここ数日ブラジリアに集まり、先住民の土地の権利を剥奪し、鉱業やアグリビジネスに領土を開放しようとする非常に物議を醸す試みに反対しました。同じく先住民族の著名なリーダーであるSônia Guajajara氏は次のように述べています。「これらはすべて、先住民の土地所有権を奪い、これらの土地を開発のために開放することを目的とした、高度に組織化された措置です。私たちは生物多様性を擁護し、森林を維持することで、まさに私たちの生活を確保しているのです。彼らが考えているのは、破壊の上に成り立つ開発なのです」。
- 関心をもって学び続ける(HEAD 頭/思考)
- 心が動く刺激を取り入れる(HEART 心/感じる)←僕がこういうニュースを読む理由の一つ
- より健全なあり方、暮らし、社会を創造する(HANDS 手/行動)←ガーデンをやったり、教育活動をしたり、仕事のボトムラインを環境再生と人の健やかさに設定したり、デモに参加したり、平和活動家のトレーニングをしたり)