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共催:大阪大学 COデザインセンター 協力:一般財団法人つわの学びみらい、株式会社ファンディングベース、Totnes REconomy Center、Schumacher College、Findhorn Ecovillage、トランジション藤野、津和野高校 協賛:株式会社Tago-ke、IDEAL COOP Inc.
オンラインセッションは、こちらからご登録ください。 https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZAtdO2srT4qE93Nf64StKSIui9nFnSMNnD5
09.45-10.00:主催者挨拶、オリエンテーション 玉木愛実
10.00-11.25:地域と市民 Jay Tompt(Totnes REconomy Centre)、阿部裕志(風と土と)、原岳(ADDressカスタマーサクセス) *対面とオンラインのZoomセッション(同時通訳付き)
11.35-13.00: まちづくりと創造性 松本文子(大阪大学)、太刀川英輔(Nosigner)、田中元子(グランドレベル) *対面とオンラインのZoomセッション(同時通訳付き)
14.00-15.15:アンカンファレンス-1 大阪大学 Cihangir Istek 研 × 津和野高校 × 津和野会議参加者
15.45-17.00:アンカンファレンス-2 大阪大学 Cihangir Istek 研 × 津和野高校 × 津和野会議参加者
17.30-19.00:ラーニングコミュニティが拓く地域の可能性 山崎吾郎(大阪大学)、Jonathan Dawson(Schumacher Collage)、Alex Walker(Findhorn Ecovillage)、小山宮佳江(トランジション藤野) *対面とオンラインのZoomセッション(同時通訳付き)
〇主催:一般社団法人 津和野まちとぶんか創造センター+ジミクロ
〇共催:大阪大学 COデザインセンター
〇協力:一般財団法人つわの学びみらい、株式会社ファンディングベース、Totnes REconomy Center、Schumacher College、Findhorn Ecovillage、トランジション藤野、津和野高校
〇協賛:株式会社Tago-ke、IDEAL COOP Inc.
On 4 December 2021, Osaka University Center for the Study of Co*Design will officially co-sponsor the Tsuwano Conference 2021 on the theme of “Community as a Place of Learning.” Practitioners from across Japan and internationally will discuss the possibilities of “learning” in placemaking, regenerating economies, creativity and other topics. The conference will take in the town of Tsuwano, Shimane Prefecture, with online sessions available via Zoom for participants across Japan and international. Simultaneous Interpretation will be provided from the Zoom sessions. For those interested to participate in the online sessions please register via Zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZAtdO2srT4qE93Nf64StKSIui9nFnSMNnD5
The conference program is as follows:
09.45-10.00: Orientation
10.00-11.25: Communities and Citizens (including online participation via Zoom) Presenters: Jay Tompt (Totnes REconomy Center), Hiroshi Abe (Kaze to Sochi to) and Gaku Hara (ADDress). The session will be moderated by Masayasu Onishi, SocioDesign Inc.
11.35-13.00: Placemaking and Creativity (including online participation via Zoom) Presenters: Eisuke Tachikawa (Nosigner) and Motoko Tanaka (Ground Level). The session will be moderated by Ayako Matsumoto (Osaka University)
13.00-14.00: Lunchbreak
14.00-17.00: Unconference (parts 1 and 2) Coordinated by Cihangir Istek (Osaka University). Students from Tsuwano High School and Osaka University will collaborate with the conference participants to explore a range of issues facing the town under the themes of food, farming, forestry, local industry, mobility, next generation education, vacant properties and the environment.
17.30-19.00: Learning Communities Open Up New Possibilities for Place-Making (including online participation via Zoom) Presenters: Jonathan Dawson (Schumacher College), Mikae Koyama (Transition Fujino) and Alex Walker (Ekopia, Findhorn Ecovillage). The session will be moderated by Goro Yamazaki (Osaka University). Organizer: Tsuwano Town and Culture Creation Center + JIMICRO Co-organizer: Osaka University CO*DESIGN CENTER In cooperation with: Tsuwano Gakubimirai Foundation, Founding Base, Totnes REconomy Centre, Schumacher College, Findhorn Ecovillage, Transition Fujino Supported by Tago-ke Corporation, IDEAL COOP Inc.