【子育てと社会変革】育児の非暴力と家父長制 Patriarchy PART 2

このヘビー級の記事のPART 2に挑みたいと思う。

PART 1はここ ←先に読むのがおすすめ


イラスト “All Oppression is Connected, 2013 by Jim Chuchu#MakingAfrica” by baldiri is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 2.0

英語で読んでもニュアンスや詰め込まれている知恵と知識が濃厚だから、しっかりと理解するのに時間がかかりそう。実践も超難しそう。情熱があるだけに、納得いく記事もかけそうにないので(挑むと数ヶ月とかかかってしまう)、前回同様、Parenting without Obedience (服従のない育児)Miki & Arnina Kashtan から引用して、翻訳アプリで訳すことにしました。





Within a patriarchal world, maintaining dominance also requires external divisions between people, starting with gender and age, and extending to class, race, and beyond.

As Riane Eisler said: “These traditions of domination and submission in the parent-child and gender relations are the foundations on which the entire dominator pyramid rests.”


リアン・アイスラーが言うように “親子関係やジェンダー関係における支配と服従の伝統は、ドミネーター・ピラミッド(支配構造)全体の基盤となっています。

Maturana and Verden-Zoller point out, instead of being an organic and central part of life, patriarchy “instrumentalizes child upbringing by making it a function of designs for the future. … [It] separates the mother and the child from the present of their living in mutual acceptance and mutual trust.” 

MaturanaとVerden-Zollerは、子供の育児を人生の有機的かつ中心的な部分であることではなく、家父長制は “それが将来のためのデザインの機能にすることによって、子供の育成を道具化する。… それは、母と子を、相互受容と相互信頼の中で生きている現在から切り離すと指摘した。

Within this context, the social structures that separate home from work, a product of the industrial revolution, result in impossible choices now foisted on many women: either remove themselves from adult productive life and raise their children within a non-communal, artificially intensified dyadic relationship (if they even have that option in terms of their class standing), or join the labor market and shift the child’s upbringing to a transactional context of paid childcare. With each successive generation, we leave our children with less love to pass on to the new


“love is fading away from the spontaneous world of the child.”

We are reaching the end of the road. It’s time for collective transformation, and parents are key.


私たちは道の終着点に達しています。集団変革の時が来たのです 親が鍵を握っています。

Reversing the effects of patriarchal upbringing means nothing short of undertaking the monumental task of reclaiming wholeness and bridging the two need triangles, regardless of which of the two we gave up early on. If we gave up freedom and authenticity, the process of reclaiming it means risking again loss of belonging and safety in order to choose, freely, to show more of ourselves. If we gave up security and belonging, the process of reclaiming it means choosing vulnerability and, once again, opening up to the potential disappointment of not being seen or loved adequately instead of protecting ourselves by separating or hiding our vulnerability from others.


When integrated, our presence is no longer dependent on being seen by others, our truth is no longer at odds with belonging, we experience trust even as we express our full authenticity, and we can experience freedom and security at the same time.


This work of healing and integration is, by necessity, lifelong.


Once raised in a world of separation, only ongoing choice and endless support from others can sustain us in our quest to overcome separation and harshness so we can bring infinite tenderness to our own and others’ choices.


in the absence of fundamental change at a community and systemic level, it is next to impossible for individuals to create such massive changes, including the necessary support structures to sustain them. It is not individual failings that keep us stressed, angry, and helpless as we navigate life, and especially parenting; it is the effects of the larger patriarchal, capitalist structures that separate and isolate us from external support and internal clarity and resolve.


We will only have rare individuals or families who are able to make these profound shifts until and unless we have social structures that, at the systemic level, support the creation of communities of care; are pro-parent and pro-child; attend to needs rather than profit; distribute decision-making to communities; and restore the commons and with it the flow of generosity and care. Until then, all we can do as individu- als is aim to work with others to transform these conditions, and make individual decisions, usually at cost to ourselves, to live as if the world of our dreams is already here.


Patriarchal training prepared us for thinking, always, about who is to blame for what is happening and how to punish them, be it ourselves, our children, or world leaders.


This means nothing less than supporting children in having the freedom to disobey.


changing patriarchy requires transforming the actual systems of patriarchal capitalism, at this point at the global level


The systemic and the individual are intertwined. 


This means nothing short of fully orienting to children’s needs without giving up on our own; working out disagreements without ever resorting to punishment, including guilt as a form of self-punishment; encouraging children’s own choices and responsibility without invoking “shoulds” or praise in the name of concern about their future; listening to children, taking their ideas seriously, and exercising respect for who they are and what they are trying to teach us; using force in extremely rare circumstances, only when imminent physical risk is present; and making decisions with children and not for children, fully expressing our own needs, too, in ongoing collaborative dialogue consistent with our evolutionary legacy.


If this feels overwhelming, it’s because it is… Every step of the way is fraught with internal and external obstacles: others will often object; institutions will push back against our fledgling efforts; and our inner capacity will waver. In addition to ongoing practice, this will require a deep internal decision. This is why support structures for parents, which are almost absent, are so vitally necessary. 

これが圧倒的だと感じるならば、それはそれがそうだからです… 他の人はしばしば反対し、機関は私たちの駆け出しの努力に押し返すだろうし、私たちの内なる能力は揺らぐだろう。継続的な練習に加えて、これは深い内部の決定を必要とします。だからこそ、ほとんど存在しない親のためのサポート体制が非常に必要なのです。

We offer, below, a few words about key practices that can sup- port parents in this monumental shift. This is only a skeleton, a conceptual map of the path, not a full practical blueprint, 


Self-empathy: The moments of stress, the legacy of patriarchy, and the absence of sup- port structures make collaborative parenting immensely challenging. As much as possible, take time, while not interacting with your children, to connect with your own needs and


Empathy: …..aim to understand your children’s needs on their terms, whether or not you are able or willing to do what they want, because this in itself is a deep act of love.


*自己共感と共感の他に、Transparency and limits, 透明性と限界、Proactive conversations, 積極的な会話、Accompaniment 伴奏

although children cannot individually change the larger social order, they can, and even better than us, choose when to follow the norms and when to stand up to them based on their deepest values.














moved by love

