【子育てと社会変革】育児の非暴力と家父長制 Patriarchy

moved by fear





さて、最近すごく興味がある分野が、非暴力 x 子育て x 社会変革
(非暴力活動家、NVCトレーナーMiki Kashtan ミキ・カシュタンの影響が大きい)





Patriarchy (パトリアルキー?家父長制って訳されたりする)が記事の重要なコンセプト。支配構造ともよんだりする。

Parenting without Obedience (服従のない育児)Miki & Arnina Kashtan

英語読める人は超オススメ!its quite revolutionary

Patriarchy, as we understand it, emerges from a fundamental separation from self, other, life, and nature


in order to interrupt the reproduc- tion of patriarchy. One of the core necessary pieces is to transition to collaborative parenting being the norm rather than the rare excep- tion. Without it, even if we somehow manage to transform the larger political and economic social structures, each generation anew will
be exposed to the impossible internal conflicts and compromises that patriarchal training de- mands of us, internalize the dominant version of reality in order to survive, and inevitably recreate the existing relations and institutions. More significantly, without shifting our parent- ing, we might run out of sufficient collective capacity to love.


we raise children in an environment of obedience, shame, scarcity, and often narrow self-interest, fully interfering with the flow of love and with children’s abil- ity to experience freedom, belonging, natural abundance, and genuine care for the whole.


Patriarchy and its main educational institu- tions (parenting and schooling) have achieved this feat of maintaining domination over so many generations through direct coercion when possible, and through indirect coercion in the form of shaming when not.


core value of patriarchy in relation to children, it’s, sadly, obedience. It’s seen as a virtue rather than as a traumatic experience.


With patriarchy, sham- ing becomes a central mechanism for raising children. Because, as children, our need for belonging is so vulnerable, through shaming this need is mobilized to maintain the power of the imposed patriarchal order.


Patriarchal upbringing, however, undermines trust through repeated experiences of trauma resulting from persistent coercion and sham- ing and the chronic experience of needs not being attended to


it leaves an overwhelming number of us with a propen- sity to believe we are fundamentally “wrong,” leading us to hide our “unwanted” parts and cease our “unwanted” behavior in order to re- gain acceptance in the group.


Through both coercion and shaming, one of patriarchy’s core ways of interfering with development takes the form of separating and opposing two sets of crucial needs.


As children, our security triangle is not a given; we have to earn it by being “good,” which means, essentially, overall obeying and following adults’ ideas and in- structions.


the price of security and belonging is loss of the freedom to be who we fully are.


We give up much of who we are, our authentic expression, our truth as it lives in us moment by moment, for the hope of being seen and accepted (even if only partially) as part of the whole


our upbringing primes us to compete and fight with others for the few positions of dominance, where those are even available, or to submit to others’ dominance. How? By making love absent or conditional, by shaming us, and by creating impossible choices that divide us internally and keep us strug- gling with the fear of our secret “wrongness” being exposed. 

私たちの教育は 私たちが競争したり 他の人と争ったりすることを前提としています 支配的な立場にある人たちがいても 利用できるところでは 他の人たちの支配に服従するのです どうやって?私たちを辱めることによって、愛を不在または条件付きにすることによって、そして私たちを内部的に分裂させ、私たちの秘密の “間違い “が公開されているの恐怖で苦労して私たちを保つ不可能な選択肢を作成することによって。


Parenting without Obedienceという記事の前半でした。


PART 2はここ!
